
Virtual Jaguar Git (2013/06/01)

EmuCR:Virtual JaguarVirtual Jaguar Git (2013/06/01) is compiled. Virtual Jaguar is an open source emulator based on Jagem (Virtual Jaguar) for Linux, MacOS X, and Windows. The source also compiles on BeOS. Virtual Jaguar is an awesome Atari Jaguar emulator with great compatibility.

Virtual Jaguar Git Changelog:
* Added ability to use old, incompatible, but faster blitter.
Note that most games fail when using this blitter, but some games, such as Tempest 2000 and Spacewar 2000 do. Use at your own peril!
* Special patch by ggn. :-)

Download: Virtual Jaguar Git (2013/06/01)
Download: Qt SDL Framework (required for Win32)
Source: Here


  1. How about some new links for the - Qt SDL Framework (required for Win32) as the ones listed no longer work either the file doesn't exist anymore or the site is closed.

  2. it's been like that for months ,ask in the comments section ;-)

  3. Go here because these builds never work anyway.


  4. Thanks for the link! Yeah I don't understand why these VJ builds never work.


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