
Cxbx correctness-fixes Git (2013/07/22)

EmuCR:Xbox EmulatorsCxbx correctness-fixes Git (2013/07/22) is compiled. Cxbx correctness-fixes is a branch of Cxbx. Cxbx is an Xbox emulator for the Microsoft Windows operating system developed by a group of programmers led by a hacker named Caustik and written in the C++ programming language. Cxbx's goal is to convert a game from an Xbox executable to a native Windows executable.

Cxbx correctness-fixes Git Changelog:
* Basic support for MmUnmapIoSpace (Kernal API 0xB7 / 183)
* Basic implementation of MmMapIoSpace (Kernel API 0xB1 / 177)
* Support D3D::Reset() in XDK 5849
* Support D3Device::InsertCallback() (basic) on XDK 5849
* Support DSBPLAY_SYNCHPLAYBACK flag to SoundBuffer::Play()
* Support additional D3DLOCK_NOOVERWRITE flag in D3DTexture::LockRect()
* Initial support for D3DDevice::SetDepthClipPlanes() in XDK 5849

Download: Cxbx correctness-fixes Git (2013/07/22)
Source: Here


  1. On Windows 8 and Window 8.1 games do not start!! Zapper will not start!

  2. Please do not answer here. You need to go to CXBX forum and talk to their developer. Also, you can buy used xbox at your store. Its old and very cheap.


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