
DaedalusX64 Git r1830

EmuCR: DaedalusX64DaedalusX64 Git r1830 is compiled. DaedalusX64 is a N64 Emulator for PSP. DaedalusX64 is the continuation of the original Daedalus PSP port by StrmnNrmn. It is a GPL Open Source project.

DaedalusX64 Git Changelog:
* Merge branch 'master' of github.com:hulkholden/daedalus
* Ugh - glfw/.gitignore excludes src/config.h, but we need an empty file to compile (this has probably been broken for OSX since we added GLFW3, oops)
* [~] Test for FastMemcpy
* Added a .gyp file for gtest
* [~] Build most of daedalus as a static library, and has a spearate executable target that just includes main.cpp
* GLFW - don't need to add src/ as an include dir again.
* GLEW - shouldn't compile in glewinfo.c, visualinfo.c
* [~] Move duplicated 'include_dirs' settings to common.gypi
* [+] Add gtest to third_party
* [!] Improved zelda's sun hack, also now it work with accurate tmem
* [!] Some clean ups and fixes to accurate tmem
[~] Fixed build when FAST_TMEM_COPY is not defined
[!] Fixed scrolling textures in DK64 when accurate tmem is not defined
[+] Added correct save type for Xena Warrior Princess and Super Robot Spirits

Download: DaedalusX64 Git r1830
Download: DaedalusX64 Git r1830 Signed
Source: Here


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