
MacFCEU v0.8a7

MacFCEU v0.8a7 is released. MacFCEU is a Mac OS X port of FCE Ultra. A Mac OS-specific port of FCE Ultra 0.98.13 - an NES/Famicon emulator. Classic and Carbon are supported exclusively.

MacFCEU 0.8a7


**** Mac OS Classic build only ***
The Carbon build is omitted due to the inability to test it.
For accurate (or fairly) Classic emulation, try Basilisk II, either the modern
2008 or 2013 versions (for faster systems) or build 143 (for older).

Current features include: NSFe support, a PPU tile viewer, a customized speed
option, a command line-interfaced debugger with a C-like expression parser.

Recent changes include:
Better real-time playback and smoother sound w. quadruple buffering.
MMC5 high CHR bank storage.
Ability to select an individual file within a Zip archive (list window).
Added volume settings for all emulated expansion hardware.
Updated the disassembler, but mostly the assembler.
Fixed FME/N163 addressing conflict.
Put PPU scanline (L#) and pixel address (@#) on Debugger sidebar.
Fixed breakpoint and command line bugs (e.g., using en-dash as minus).

The 6502/10 assembler is ready for general use, and supports most formats,
some special keywords and preprocessing directives, including .if[[n]def],
.define and .undef. Procedure management moves all .proc code to the end.

The miniunz code for the ZLib library was also updated (earlier) to process
MACOSX resource forks.

- See the Changelog for more details.

==== Minimal Requirements ====

System 7.1 or later (7.5.5+ recommended)
A 68020 or better - over 200 MHz for real time performance.
(Some carts and NSFs are more demanding.)
2700KB of RAM (Largest Unused Block), preset to 4 MB/3 MB


Download: MacFCEU v0.8a7
Source: Here


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