
Shunyuan's HLE audio plugin v1.8 for Project64

EmuCR: Project64Shunyuan's HLE audio plugin v1.8 for Project64 is released. It is a HLE audio plugin for Project64 written by Shunyuan.

* audio plugin spec #1.2 for pj64-2.0, spec #1.1 for other emulators
* XAudio2, DirectSound8 and No Sound driver support.
* prebuffer stream audio
* HLE interface
* LLE interface
* audio thread to update sound buffer
* tested with project64 1.6, project64 2.0, project64 2.1,
1964 svn r146, 1964_ultrafast 3.0, and mupen64 5.1.
* debug OSD
* auto sync game to audio
* dynamic plugin interface

Shunyuan's HLE audio plugin v1.8 for Project64 Changelog:
* Open Lua interface to tweak per game settings
(official pj64 1.6 doesn't support this feature because it won't call audio plugin 'RomOpen' function, use pj64 1.6 HleAudio fixed version instead)

Download: Shunyuan's HLE audio plugin v1.8
Source: Here


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