
Vic20emu v0.1 Beta 3

EmuCR:Vic20emu Vic20emu v0.1 Beta 3 is released. Vic20emu is a Java implementation of a VIC-20 Emulator that focuses on emulation and debugging features. It is not as complete (or nearly as fast) as other emulators. As a toy project in Java I did it just for the fun of virtually rebuilding old hardware in Software and reviving memories...

Vic20emu Status
* Mostly complete (but slow) emulation of CPU, VIC, VIAs.
* Peripheral emulation: video, keyboard & joystick.
* Debugger works and can use symbol tables (e.g. from ca65/ld65).
* Loads rom images and prg files.
* Not well documented.

Vic20emu v0.1 Beta 3 Changelog:
- FE3 support (Super RAM Mode)
- Code execution profiling
- Tooltips for labels & operands in debugger
- IEC device configuration & file read support
- User manual


Download: Vic20emu v0.1 Beta 3


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