
Arcan v0.3.1

EmuCR: ArcanArcan v0.3.1 is released. Arcan a portable and fully scriptable frontend for launching games, emulators and other full-screen applications in a visual appealing way, as seamlessly as possible.

It is mainly targeted towards advanced hobbyists that wants to get their hands dirty and dabble with light programming as part of larger build projects e.g. HTPCs and gaming cabinets, and is as such not directly intended for "plug-n-play" type of use.

- Video playback
- LED Controller support
- Basic 2D features (animations, transformations, picking)
- Detailed event-model
- Scriptable (in LUA currently)
- Able to hijack rendering / input from launched targets and expose as scriptable entities
- OGG music / WAV sample playback
- Database backend
- Highly tunable performance characteristics

Arcan v0.3.1 Changelog:
Refactored out most OS / Platform specific stuff into platforms/*
SDL_Image made optional, using libpng for screenshot/image loading.
SDL_TTF requirement dropped, using freetype with a simplified sdl_ttf version in-source for now (more refactoring will happen here).
Picking- group functions can now have their order reversed.
Broken math in picking functions fixed.
Video- pipeline state serialization (for debugging, crashlogs etc).
LodePNG for screenshots dropped.
Monitor mode (linux/BSD only currently) added, where on arcan session can sample the state of another.
Internal streaming audio playback dropped and replaced with decode frameserver entirely.
Individual resource loading switched to an internal resource mapping API to fit better with the platform split.
Reference counted GL storage decoupled from video object, allows storage to be shared (in preparation for sprite sheets and to circumvent restrictions in instance_ and linking).
Frame generation times, logic update times and frame syncronization times now tracked for benchmarking.
Switched db default fsynch on write to be off (performance boost, but may introduce corruption side-cases, monitor for future changes).
Debug option to dump textures as PNG on upload.
Hierarchical pick fix to take resolved rather than local opacity when selecting.
Re-added the aggressive "dupm stack and die" for getvid in debug builds.
Notable 2D pipeline optimization work; transformations chain resolves are cached, transformation matrixes as well, most expensive operations being being replaced with SIMD versions.
Default- oriented 2D objects gets a cheaper renderpath and simplified picking costs.
Instances can no-longer be linked to or be part of framesets, use null_images instead.
3D pipeline simplified to reflect camtag changes, still missing render-to-cubemap though.
3D pipeline now supports infinite distance objects (e.g. skyboxes)
Math, added basic frustum tests and quat_matr -> view vector extraction
Renderbuffers vs Framebuffer confusion problems fixed.
FBO internal resdolution can now be set to higher than output display resolution.
Begun closing down traversal options (still possible in some places)
Framequeue decoding timing etc. reworked (again, doubt there's a good possible universal solution).
Framequeue cleanups (still horrible though).
Skewing pitch support dropped in audio (should have effect approach reworked anyhow).

Mouse- handling support script added (with mouse gestures etc.).
LUA interface mapping method switched, work on automated API documentation/test/example generation (see doc/*) begun, about 80% coverage.
Win32 got a new tool, ArcanLauncher which helps with setting launch arguments and DB scraping.
Build- system refactored into platform/*
out-of-tree building fixes
SQLite3 can now be built-in using the amalgamation (external/sqlite3)
LUA debug.debug gets patched to unlock mouse on trigger
Frameserver decode now encodes FFT in video channel for audio only playback.
Seeking added to frameserver decode.

EmuCR: Arcan

Download: Arcan v0.3.1
Source: Here


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