
Virtual Jaguar Git (2013/12/08)

EmuCR:Virtual JaguarVirtual Jaguar Git (2013/12/08) is compiled. Virtual Jaguar is an open source emulator based on Jagem (Virtual Jaguar) for Linux, MacOS X, and Windows. The source also compiles on BeOS. Virtual Jaguar is an awesome Atari Jaguar emulator with great compatibility.

Virtual Jaguar Git Changelog:
* Fixed insert cart dialog, mouse hiding.
The insert cart dialog will now populate itself if you launch VJ with
just a filename (it didn't before), and the mouse will now only hide
itself while it's over the OpenGL window.
* Fixed sticky keys on keyboard input handler. No longer sticky! :-D
* Fixed 68K STOP instruction never resuming.

Download: Virtual Jaguar Git (2013/12/08)
Download: Qt SDL Framework (required for Win32)
Source: Here


  1. still crashes... :-(

    other dependencies than SDL ?

  2. http://outrage.the-crow.co.uk/builds/

    vj-20131207.zip 07-Dec-2013 and working fine, emuCR does a great work compiling the emus, just some times you can use the news and digg to the source a little if womething goes worng like with this one.


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