
Emu Loader v7.6.8

EmuLoaderEmu Loader v7.6.8 is released. Emu Loader was created to manage an arcade games emulator called M.A.M.E. With this frontend, you can change practically any option that is available in the emulator, like the screen resolution, sound quality, game options, etc. There are lots of extra features that makes your life much more easier, like the snapshots viewer where all captured images from M.A.M.E. games can be viewed when selecting games.

Emu Loader v7.6.8 Changelog:
Tasks executing twice when changing games view modes: reselect last selected game and reset thumbnails when switching to thumbnails view
Status bar not updating if no games are visible/selected after filters change
Detection of the new 'neogeo_noslot.c' driver from MAME v0.154. Neo-Geo games filter works again
Horizontal scroll bar setting to last visible column if last games filter had no visible games
If using '.;ini' or '.' in MAME's 'inipath' entry (mame.ini), EL will not change it to 'ini' (but only ONE ini path is supported by the frontend)

Major core change: function uMain.SetGameType() properly split into separate functions to prevent them executing 3 times over in the same task: change tool bar icons; auto-toggle settings ON/OFF; load games list; apply games filters; re-select last selected game; reload images / load game docs / load game video preview
Extra optimizations/fixes:
- several function calls are no longer necessary
- a bunch of memory vars resetting multiple times in the same task
- apply games filter executing multiple times when creating a new games list
- select last game function executing multiple times when scanning/auditing multiple games at once (F5 or Shift+F5 shortcuts)
- selecting between games too fast should not cause crashes anymore; when using tripple images layout view, load zipped images with threads enabled)
- only the tool bar icon related to filter you change is reloaded (all icons were resetting on a single filter change...)
Column header captions indent set to zero to align with game captions positions. Columns width can be 5 pixels smaller now, useful for driver status columns :)
Column '# of Players' renamed to 'Players'
Split 'MegaPlay / MegaTech' filter into two separate filters
Replaced 'CreateProcess' WinAPI call by 'CreateProcessW' to work with Unicode and WideStrings
More tweaks...



Game details screen, if a game is tagged as 'Found With Missing ROMs/CHDs', all missing ROMs in the right panel will have a red text in the 'status' column for easier reading
Support for Neo-Geo MVS multi-slot cartridge loading (MAME/UME v0.154 minimum required)
- a list of supported games is in new '\arcade\neogeo.ini' file
- supported games parsed from software list 'neogeo.xml' in MAME's 'hash' sub-folder (file must exist!)
if file neogeo.xml doesn't exist, no list is created (file is NOT created by Emu Loader!)
- only available games are added to the list
- you can choose what game goes in what slot before starting the emulator :)
- not all cartridge combinations will work; this is a limitation of the arcade and/or the emulator
- HBMAME is not yet supported (no software lists available)
New games filter 'Show Only Neo-Geo MVS' to list only games compatible with Neo-Geo MVS multi-slot (misc filters tool bar button)
Support for Sega Mega-Tech multi-slot cartridge loading (MAME/UME v0.154 minimum ? required)
- no software list required as all games from MAME's Mega-Tech driver are supported
- up to 8 cartridge slots can be used
- only available games are added to the list
New setting "Disable Natural Sorting (1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 20)" (preferences screen)
- for the purists that want to enjoy the full ASCII sort glory (1, 10, 11, 2, 20, 3)!
also due to games with leading zero ('005') not being listed before games starting with '1' ("StrCmpLogicalW" API is to blame...)
- all games lists are affected by this setting, not just the main games list
Unicode baby steps #1: uMain.IsUnicodeStr() function to check for non-ASCII chars (char > 127)
- this is necessary as Delphi 7 compiler is not Unicode friendly
- so far, only 'f16mbeta' (from UME) have Unicode chars in game title; -listxml output
- unicode strings must use UTf8Decode() function to show properly in games list

Download: EmuLoader v7.6.8
Source: Here


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