
PPSSPP Git (2014/10/04)

EmuCR: PPSSPPPPSSPP Git (2014/10/04) is compiled. PPSSPP is a fast and portable PSP emulator for Android, Windows, Mac, and Linux, written in C++.

PPSSPP Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #6974 from unknownbrackets/atrac-minor
Properly handle atrac packets with multiple frames
* Discard packet data when seeking.
* Actually use the temp packet.
* Don't eat packet data when using a temp packet.
* Attempt to ensure we don't decode partial frames.
* Align samples even after a loop.
This corrects the amount of audio after certain loops, but it doesn't seem
to output the right data when this happens.
Possibly, seeking isn't doing the right thing and resetting state that
shouldn't be reset when a loop happens. Not sure... but it was already
wrong before, this just reads the right amount of it.
* Ensure we request s16 samples.
We won't get these for atrac3+, but we should for atrac3 (seems to be the
default anyway, but better to be clear.)
* Centralize atrac frame decode logic.
* Properly handle atrac packets with multiple frames.
This gets us decoding the start of a file and near loops way more
* Merge pull request #6969 from daniel229/savedata
Savedata minor
* savedata
* Merge pull request #6957 from unknownbrackets/reporting
Add an option to provide compatibility feedback
* Add actual reporting of compatibility.
* Add selector for compatibility rating.
Might just kill gameplay?
* Initial attempt at a compat report screen.
* Merge pull request #6971 from unknownbrackets/atrac-minor
Correct first next sample calculation
* Correct first next sample calculation.
If it's exactly matching a frame size, we need to return a full frame,
rather than 0. Fixes #6967.
* Merge pull request #6965 from rock88/master
iPhone 6 and 6 Plus support
* iOS: Add launch xib name to info.plist
* iOS: install LaunchScreen.xib
* iOS: add LaunchScreen.xib for support iPhone 6 and 6 Plus native screen resolution
* iOS: update few compiler path


Download: PPSSPP Git (2014/10/04) x86
Download: PPSSPP Git (2014/10/04) x64
Download: PPSSPP Git (2014/10/04) for Android
Source: Here


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