
ColEm v3.2.3 for Android

EmuCR: ColEmColEm v3.2.3 for Android is released. ColEm is a ColecoVision emulator for Android. ColEm will run software written for the ColecoVision video game console. ColEm package itself does not contain any games. You should place your own game files onto the SD card before running ColEm. Please, do not run any software you do not own with ColEm. The author cannot and will not tell you where to find free ColecoVision games.

ColEm-Android v3.2.3 Changelog:
* Added accurate SN76489 noise channel emulation.
* Added immersive mode support for KitKat and newer.
* Added individual backdrops. For Game.cv, use Game.cv.back.png.
* Added French translation.
* Autohiding title bar when "Hide Title Bar" enabled.
* You must start or finish your fling at the top to toggle title bar.
* Aligned backdrop to the bottom on stretched screens.
* Now properly restoring sound parameters.
* Added explanation bubbles to the Cheat Hunter.


Download: ColEm v3.2.3 for Android
Source: Here


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