
MAME Git (2014/11/05)

MAMEMAME Git (2014/11/05) is compiled. MAME stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. When used in conjunction with images of the original arcade game's ROM and disk data, MAME attempts to reproduce that game as faithfully as possible on a more modern general-purpose computer. MAME can currently emulate several thousand different classic arcade video games from the late 1970s through the modern era.

MAME Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #34 from shattered/_664d68d
dvk_ksm: DEC VT52-compatible video terminal
* dvk_ksm: DEC VT52-compatible video terminal
* Merge pull request #33 from ramiropolla/upd7810
upd7810: interrupt-related fixes
* upd7810: return meaningful value when PC3 is in control mode
When PC3 is in control mode, it acts as INT2 and external Timer Input.
INT2 may be set by connected devices through set_input_line(), so its
value can be used when reading or writing to PC3. There is currently
no code to support external timer input.
* rspdrc: Added undocumented ops VADDB, VACCB, VSUBB, and VSUCB. [MooglyGuy]
* vigilant.c: Consistency, some hade "Rev." and others just "Rev" - NW
* coolridr.c: Add a note about "Aqua Stage" also running on Sega H1 hardware. - NW
* improved cpu clock and speaker lvl
* small cleanup to merlin.c, it is very similar to simon.c
I want to redo the merlin layout later, make it more similar/appealing.
* epson cpm softlist: change n/a to unofficial
* rspdrc: Fix crash on Linux when recompiling BREAK opcode. [MooglyGuy, Firewave]
* px4: fix initial rs232 status after reset and add the dram test
replacement roms
* flush drcuml.asm log (nw)
* mips3: Fixed left-shift-of-signed-value issues. [MooglyGuy]
rsp: Fixed left-shift-of-signed-value issues. [MooglyGuy]
* correct patches for drgw2hk [iq_132]

Download:MAME Git (2014/11/05) x86
Download:MAME Git (2014/11/05) x64
Source: Here


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