
MAME Git (2015/01/22)

MAMEMAME Git (2015/01/22) is compiled. MAME stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. When used in conjunction with images of the original arcade game's ROM and disk data, MAME attempts to reproduce that game as faithfully as possible on a more modern general-purpose computer. MAME can currently emulate several thousand different classic arcade video games from the late 1970s through the modern era.

MAME Git Changelog:
* Remove dead code (nw)
* i386: store all 32-bits of gdt and idt base with 16-bit sgdt and sidt [nw]
testing shows lgdt and lidt only load 24-bits
* pc9821ap2: added newly dumped BIOS [caius]
* Oops
* vs298 tag
* Merge pull request #110 from p1pkin/naomi#2
update 315-5881 keys
* update 315-5881 keys
* (nw)
* fixed compile (nw)
* misc 315-5881 (nw)
* fix c+p (nw)
* Merge branches 'master' and 'master' of https://github.com/mamedev/mame
* vconv: documented all disabled warnings / added VS2013 define (nw)
also removed some warnings, that don't happen anymore and don't like
like they should be disabled
* let's maintain the '315-5881- keys in 'machine/315-5881_helper.c' until the key format is finalized
as things stand the entire set of keys is of arbitrary bit order / poliarity / number of bits and just based on how our implementation works, storing them in files just means a lot of files have to be regenerated each time our understanding changes.
I've left placeholder ROM_LOADs (with invalid crc/sha1s, compiled out) for placing the keys back once the format IS final.
The list in 315-5881_helper.c needs updating / syncing with current knowledge, would appreciate somebody doing this.
I'm going to see if I can see where / how the chip hooks up on Model 2 and Model 3, and if we can pass those checks with our current code.

Download:MAME Git (2015/01/22) x86
Download:MAME Git (2015/01/22) x64
Source: Here


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