
Play! Git (2015/01/18)

EmuCR: Play!Play! Git (2015/01/18) is complied. Play! is an attempt at creating an emulator for the PlayStation 2 (PS2) console on the Windows platform. It is currently written in C/C++. It uses an instruction caching/recompilation scheme to achieve better performance while emulating the CPU.

Play! Git Changelog:
* Added missing scheme for PsfPlayer.
git-svn-id: http://svn.purei.org/purei/trunk@1641 b36208d7-6611-0410-8bec-b1987f11c4a2
* Removed some unneeded patches.
* Fixed IPU_TOP behavior.
* Standardized MPEG decoder logging inside the emulator and the media center so that both logs can be easily compared.
* Updated DW5 tags.
* Updated DW5 tags.
* Merge branch 'master' into dynasty_warriors
* Fixed MediaCenter build configuration.
* Only write to IPU FIFO if there's space to write something.
* Merge branch 'master' into dynasty_warriors
* Added tags for Dynasty Warriors 5.
* Added BGEZAL.
* Cleanup.
* Added some missing logs.
* Clamp input for MADDA to prevent Dynasty Warriors 2 from hanging.
* More cleanup.
* Cleanup.
* Prevent thread from hanging if a VU subroutine is being executed and doesn't terminate.

EmuCR: Play!

Download: Play! Git (2015/01/18) x86
Download: Play! Git (2015/01/18) x64
Source: Here


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