
Speccy v3.3.4 for Android

EmuCR:Speccy Speccy v3.3.4 for Android is released. Speccy is a ZX Spectrum Emulator. Speccy emulates 16kB, 48kB, and 128kB versions of Sinclair ZX Spectrum, as well as Spectrum +2, +2A, and +3, as well as Timex Sinclair models.

Speccy v3.3.4 for Android Changelog:
* Switched to the Material Design theme.
* Added "up" buttons to all title bars.
* Revised all menus, making them work uniformly.
* Fixed "Show Virtual Keyboard" setting.
* Fixed screenshots size in the World Of Spectrum Browser.
* Fixed black banding in the Palette Editor.
* Fixed text color in the Gallery.
* Updated all icons to the newest Lollipop versions, replaced some.
* Removed application name from all title bars, to save space.
* Now defaulting to the "light UI" mode.

EmuCR: Speccy

Download: Speccy v3.3.4 for Android
Source: Here


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