
XEiJ v0.15.01.29

XEiJ v0.15.01.29 is released. XEiJ is a X68000 emulator in Java.

XEiJ v0.15.01.29 Changelog:
- Position of the window, the disk image file name, and then restore the next time you start to save, such as the contents of the SRAM to at the end of the configuration file.
- Configuration file when it is started from the command line, when the Windows% APPDATA% / XEiJ / XEiJ.ini, everything else is ~ / XEiJ.ini or ./XEiJ.ini.
- The Web Storage when the Java applet, when the Java Web Start to save the settings by using the PersistenceService to a local file.
- I've updated the pattern test of display mode test. When are laid in background eliminates the disturbing number 0 of number, mark that indicates the reversal is small, brighten the front of the sprite, and dimmed the back of the sprite and background.
- It is possible to avoid a bug that is in the debugger db.x and source code debugger scd.x "input accumulated in the receive buffer when the remote console mode is missing every other character", with the terminal to transfer input a line-by-line I've improved compatibility.
- I have to be able to turn OFF the audio output speed control. Please be people to OFF that pitch from becoming unstable bad feeling than sound is interrupted.
- I've updated the version of Java SE to 8u31 (1.8.0_31) or more to request. Java ™ SE Development Kit 8, Update 31 Release Notes [www.oracle.com]


Download: XEiJ v0.15.01.29
Source: Here


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