
MAME Git (2015/04/14)

MAMEMAME Git (2015/04/14) is compiled. MAME stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. When used in conjunction with images of the original arcade game's ROM and disk data, MAME attempts to reproduce that game as faithfully as possible on a more modern general-purpose computer. MAME can currently emulate several thousand different classic arcade video games from the late 1970s through the modern era.

MAME Git Changelog:
* namcos2.c: Fix Cut-N-Paste - NW
* New Phelios (World) clone
New World set, story line in English.
New Clone Added
Phelios [Stefano Rolleri]
* extracted protection data for Ma Cheon Ru [system11]
(note , one of the minigames doesn't work as no inputs respond, I'm wondering if it's broken on the original PCB too)
* Updated driver configs and fixed controls
* fix typo (nw)
* Added QT_HOME to support custom QT installations (nw)
* oh yeah, and it's a clone, was thinking of maybe making it the parent set, because the Japan version was a year later with a different title (nw)
* new clones
Red Hawk (Korea) [system11]
* new clones
Puzznic (bootleg, set 2) [f205v]
* Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/mamedev/mame
* hack Ma Cheon Ru to run with modified protection data from 3in1semi, not marked as working yet, want to extract real data first (nw)
* few more changes (nw)
* updated astring constructors to have just one string param, to be more like std::string (nw)

Download:MAME Git (2015/04/14) x86
Download:MAME Git (2015/04/14) x64
Source: Here


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