
rpcs3 Git (2015/07/10)

EmuCR: rpcs3 rpcs3 Git (2015/07/10) is compiled. rpcs3 is an open source PlayStation 3 (PS3) emulator for the Microsoft Windows. Current versions can run only small homebrew for PS3. Developers are planning to make it to emulate PS3 on its speed in the near future.

rpcs3 purpose:
- Make PS3 developers easily test their apps and homebrews on PC without crashing their PS3 or moving their apps from PC to PS3.
- Just playing PS3 games on your PC and have fun! ( In the future )

rpcs3 Git Changelog:
* Trying to fix potential resource leak
* Initialize pointers to null on creation
Fixes access violation in hello_world.ppu.elf on window close.
As I understood the reason - when dtor of XAudioThread is called it
if (m_source_voice) Quit();
But m_source_voice isn't initialized to 0 by default so when in Quit()
in tries to call some funcs from unitialized ptrs and access violation
* Deleted unneeded xaudio #ifs
There is no improvement in 2.8 and on my setup (8.1 x64) it always
preferred minidx headers anyway (so it'd still load 2.7 dll).
* Swapped buttons positions in about dialog
It's much more intuitive (and common) to have OK in the bottom-right
* Re-do network status and add it to settings
* SysCall improvements
* Make icon show on actual window
* Improve cellGameBootCheck
Still need to use the parameters that are passed.

Download: rpcs3 Git (2015/07/10) x64
Source: Here


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