
Azimer's HLE Audio Plugin Git (2015/10/06)

EmuCR: Project64Azimer's HLE Audio Plugin Git (2015/10/06) is compiled. It is a HLE audio plugin for N64 emulators written by Azimer.

Azimer's HLE Audio Plugin Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #131 from cxd4/have-DirectX-portable-types
fixed LLP64 ABI conflict confusing C++ between u32 and DWORD
* fixed LLP64 ABI conflict confusing C++ between u32 and DWORD
* Merge pull request #124 from cxd4/linux_port
Got the plugin to build on Linux without any warnings.
* Linux build fully completes now, without warnings!
* Yeah...um, where was this getting defined?
* added support for the LARGE_INTEGER union type
* got the sound driver stuff compiling on Linux
* found and fixed more non-portable include directives
* fixed errors about undeclared memcpy and memset
* replaced non-portable windows.h types in the HLE code
* fixed audio plugin specs header for portable types
* fixed all fatal errors about windows.h not existing :)
* resigned myself to supporting a Boolean typedef

Download: Azimer's HLE Audio Plugin Git (2015/10/06) x86
Download: Azimer's HLE Audio Plugin Git (2015/10/06) x64
Source: Here


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