
MAME Git (2015/10/06)

MAMEMAME Git (2015/10/06) is compiled. MAME stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. When used in conjunction with images of the original arcade game's ROM and disk data, MAME attempts to reproduce that game as faithfully as possible on a more modern general-purpose computer. MAME can currently emulate several thousand different classic arcade video games from the late 1970s through the modern era.

MAME Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #362 from kazblox/galaxian-notes-zigzagb
galaxian.c - minor changes
* rename Zig Zag sets to bootleg; minor notes
* Not sure how this header snuck through the merge. (nw)
* Merge branch 'polyplay'
* Introduce standard Z-buffer depth sorting to namcos23.
(polyplay branch)
* Converted Namco System 23 games to use new frustum clipping code.
* Update README.md
* Spacing fix / commit branch test.
* Fixed a silly bug in the poly.h clipping code.
Converted the hng64 over to the poly.h universal clipping code.
* Some simple hng64 3d source cleanups.
* A suggestion for how and where to put global MAME frustum clipping functions for
3d polygons.
* firebeat.c: added table of missing dumps (nw)
* Merge pull request #364 from shattered/_b1f999e
Re-add NetBSD support to bx.
* Re-add NetBSD support to bx.
* Merge pull request #367 from Shideravan/patch-1
Fixing small typo
* Fixing small typo
Just fixing a little typo
* Merge pull request #365 from shattered/_10e0327
dvk_ksm: update memory map, rom checksums. [shattered]
* dvk_ksm: update memory map, rom checksums.
* tandy2k: hand fix lotus 123 copy protection (nw)
4 fake invalid sectors just were stuck into the gap data on side 0 of track 0 and 1.
* Fixing compiling issue for release toolchain (per Balrog) (nw)
* Merge pull request #358 from felipesanches/mps1000
adding ROM dump of Commodore MPS-1000 dot matrix printer
* adding ROM dump of Commodore MPS-1000 dot matrix printer
* Merge pull request #363 from Happy-yappH/master
Fix reversion for PI. PI transfers round length up, not down.
* Fix reversion for PI. PI transfers round length up, not down.
Add field for VI interlaced modes. Display of interlaced video still needs work.
* Allow current toolchain for mingw to work and allow GCC 5.2 to also work if gcc-ar is current enough. Add a little more info about lto (nw)
* Baby steps towards a better "floor" layer in hng64. (Andrew Gardner)
* doc correction (nw)
* some PROMs were dumped (nw)
* minor update (nw)
* new clones
Ken-Go (set 2) [caius]

Download:MAME Git (2015/10/06) x86
Download:MAME Git (2015/10/06) x64
Source: Here


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