
PS3 Game List v3.4

EmuCR: PS3 Game ListPS3 Game List v3.4 is released. PS3 Game List is a application that allows you to manage your list of PS3 games. It started out as a demo to test the Qt Framework functionality, but it evolved into a full feature C++ app. It allows users to download game updates.

EmuCR: PS3 Game List

PS3 Game List v3.4 Changelog:
Support for PS4 PKG files. PS4 trophy info partially supported (unencrypted content only).
Support for PS2 ISO files (for those interested in managing all PSX media library in a single app).
Download completion now triggers a tray message.
Additional tray icon to perform tasks in background.
Support for 4k+ monitors (3840 x 2160 and up).
Option to automatically reposition the main window (configuration via settings dialog).
Windows 10 support.
Fixed issue while reporting game download percentage.
Fixed issue that could lead to inaccurate game count and total size.
Another Qt and compiler update.

Download: PS3 Game List v3.4
Source: Here


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