
Classic99 v389

EmuCR:Classic99 Classic99 v389 is released. Classic99 is a freeware TI-99/4A emulator for Windows 9x.

Classic99 runs most stuff fine:
- More filesystem debug
- Added ability to set Program Counter (disasm page)
- Added better description of file header mismatch
- Added better detection of TIFILES header
- Fixed broken host text file fixed/variable determination
- Commented out speech and dac warning debugs (they don't help)
- Print one less debug line to window to avoid last line being masked

Classic99 v389 Changelog:
* fix two bugs in 379 cartridge make code - one would not detect the size of carts that bumped right up against an 8k boundary, and the other wrote the wrong jump address to the startup code (file that under 'how did it ever work?').
* add menu option to erase UberGROM contents (for testing)
* add a hack for programs that require the 5th sprite number to count up during frames when 5S and F are reset (Miner2049er - may have been in previous release)
* fix a "Paste XB" bug that would incorrectly collapse spaces used as PRINT separators


Download: Classic99 v389
Source: Here


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