
DeSmuME SVN r5479

EmuCR:DeSmuMEDeSmuME SVN r5479 is compiled. DeSmuME is an open source Nintendo DS(NDS) emulator for Linux, Mac OS and Windows. DeSmuME supports save states, the ability to increase the size of the screen and it supports filters to improve image quality. DeSmuME also supports microphone use on Windows and Linux ports, as well as direct video and audio recording. The emulator also features a built-in movie recorder.

DeSmuME SVN Changelog:
Texture Handler:
- Include SSSE3 versions for unpacking the following texture types: I2, I4, and A5I3.
- As a side-effect of working on these optimizations, the SSE2 versions of ConvertColor555To6665Opaque() and ConvertColor555To8888Opaque() are now a little faster.
- Remove GPUEngineBase::_RenderPixel_CheckWindows8_SSE2() and GPUEngineBase::_RenderPixel8_SSE2(). I don’t see us ever needing to use these methods in the future.
- Replace patterns of por(pand,pandn) with pblendvb where appropriate. (Requires SSE4.1)

Download: DeSmuME SVN r5479 x86
Download: DeSmuME SVN r5479 x64
Source: Here


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