
Decaf Git (2016/08/18)

EmuCR: WiiUDecaf Git (2016/08/18) is compiled. Decaf (originally called WiiU-EMU) is a researching Wii U emulation. The Wii U is a home video game console created by Nintendo and the successor to the Wii.

Decaf Git Changelog:
* Merge pull request #313 from achurch/texparam
opengl: Avoid unnecessary calls to glTextureParameteri().
* opengl: Avoid unnecessary calls to glTextureParameteri().
* Fix bug where copySurface sent the wrong pitch.
It was sending surf->pitch rather than surf->pitch*4 in
the case of BCx surfaces. This both broke the data
upload, as well as the selection of the appropriate
* Merge pull request #293 from achurch/setswapinterval
Pass the swap interval from GX2SetSwapInterval to the graphics driver.
* Pass the swap interval from GX2SetSwapInterval to the graphics driver.
* Merge pull request #309 from achurch/shader-address-in-dump
gx2: Include the shader data address in shader dumps for easier correlation with GLSL.
* gx2: Include the shader data address in shader dumps for easier correlation with GLSL.
* Merge pull request #310 from achurch/thread-entry-point
coreinit: Log the thread entry point when creating a new thread.
* coreinit: Log the thread entry point when creating a new thread.
* Merge pull request #308 from achurch/gl-debug-filter
decaf-sdl: Allow filtering out specific OpenGL debug messages by ID.
* decaf-sdl: Allow filtering out specific OpenGL debug messages by ID.
* Merge pull request #305 from achurch/shadow-samplers
opengl: Properly detect shadow samplers when setting sampler state.
* opengl: Properly detect shadow samplers when setting sampler state.
Also use sampler state Invalid instead of all-zero registers as the
signal for disabling a sampler.
* Merge pull request #306 from achurch/gl_FragDepth
opengl: Handle writes to gl_FragDepth (pixel output 61).
* opengl: Handle writes to gl_FragDepth (pixel output 61).
* Merge pull request #294 from achurch/tex-cb
opengl: Configure color/depth buffers after textures.
* opengl: Configure color/depth buffers after textures.
If a surface is used as both source and target of a draw operation and a
size difference causes the surface to be reallocated, this ensures that
the render target is the current surface when the draw occurs.
* opengl: Cache render targets by GL object rather than register state.
* opengl: Avoid a host surface copy when overwriting an entire surface.
* opengl: Update GL_DRAW_BUFFERn properly and handle color masks.
* opengl: Don't attempt to bind textures which aren't used by the shader.
* opengl: Reduce apitrace clutter by unbinding unused textures. (#302)
glBindTextureUnit() on a valid (nonzero) texture ID does not unbind any
textures already bound to the same unit but with a different type,
such as TEXTURE_3D vs. TEXTURE_2D. This can result in analysis tools
like apitrace showing numerous bound textures for each unit, even though
only one is valid for any given draw call. By explicitly unbinding the
texture unit with glBindTextureUnit(..., 0), we can clear the bindings
for all texture types at once, avoiding this clutter.
This slightly changes the GL call sequence in debug mode, but it has
no effect on the end result.
* Merge pull request #303 from achurch/gl-labels
opengl: Use OpenGL object labels to link GL objects with PPC addresses.
* opengl: Use OpenGL object labels to link GL objects with PPC addresses.
* Drop the LINEAR_SPECIAL tileMode from latte and AddrLib.
This tiling mode doesn't actually exist on the GPU and only
sticks around on GX2 side.
* Include isDepth in host surface selection.
I'm not actually sure if this is neccessary, and we should
remove the isDepthBuffer stuff from everwhere it is currently
if we are able to. I've heard that you can read
GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F as a normal texture without needing to
do a conversion from various sources, but I have not yet
confirmed if this is the case. For now lets work
(potentially) suboptimally by doing the copy so we at least
know it will behave properly.
* Make unique degamma surfaces.
* opengl: Fix tileMode base address swizzle not accounting for linear special.
* Merge pull request #301 from achurch/degamma
opengl: Exclude degamma from surface key.
* opengl: Exclude degamma from surface key.
Some games (such as Xenoblade) write to a surface in RGB mode, then
read back from it in SRGB mode.
* Merge pull request #300 from achurch/exp2
opengl: Fix wrong exponent function for EXP instruction.
* opengl: Fix wrong exponent function for EXP instruction.
* opengl: Add workaround for NVIDIA GLSL compiler bug.
The NVIDIA GLSL compiler (as of driver version 367.35) incorrectly
reports a "stride mismatch" error on a shader declaring multiple
transform feedback buffers with different strides if the xfb_buffer
layout qualifier is specified in the definition of the buffer itself.
The compiler works correctly if we first change the default buffer
index and then define the buffer without the xfb_buffer qualifier.
The bug has been reported to NVIDIA as bug #160816-000177.

Download: Decaf Git (2016/08/18)
Source: Here


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