
3DNes v1.1.2

EmuCR: 3DNes3DNes v1.1.2 is released. 3DNES is a new emulator (software that enables you to play software for another hardware platform on your PC) for the Nintendo Entertainment System that can translate the system’s classic 8-bit games into 3D images with depth.

Price Model
- You can buy it at any price you want starting from 0$
- Who buy it at 4.99$ or more will have the PRIVILEGE to access to the latest build as soon as it is released

3DNes Features:
- Participate in the evolution of the 3Dification technology
- Play nes games with the true 3D graphic
- Play with any resolution supported by your PC, window or full screen mode
- Mono or Stereo Sound
- Customize the graphic whatever way you want
- Share/Get 3dn customization at the 3dn repository

PC Requirements
3DNes runs smoothly with CoreM 800MHz + Intergrated Card Laptop in FullHD resolution so it should run fine in any 4,5 year old computer without any problem

- Keyboard&Mouse
Func Left Right Up Down A B Select Start Rotation Zoom
Input Left Right Up Down X Z Space Enter Click&Drag Scroll
- Gamepad: just plug and play, use Left-Right Bumper-Trigger for rotation

3DNes v1.1.2 Changelog:
- Version 1.1.2 - 22/09/2016
+ Add support for zipped rom
+ Add Save/Load State

Source: Here


  1. clicking on source take you to a page that gives you the 404 error, i want to get this to try.

    1. Delete the "a" at the end of the URL when you click on the link.

  2. Replies
    1. Delete the "a" at the end of the URL when you click on the link. I don't know why EmuCR hasn't fixed the typo in the link yet.


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