
Kat5200 v0.7.1

EmuCR: AtariKat5200 v0.7.1 is released. Kat5200 is an emulator for the Atari 5200 and 8-bit computers.

Kat5200 v0.7.1 Changelog:
* Fixed: Xbox360 style controllers cause Auto-Detect exit in GUI
* Fixed: GUI Stick Left not set on first try
* Fixed: Controls can get fixed up when setting up multiple players
* Fixed: Keyboard setup for keys with Up/Down/Left/Right in name
* Fixed: Screen colors in video config preview window
* Update: Mouse Wheel in GUI lists works
* Fixed: Check for SDL2 version 2.0.5 and disable function if older (SDL_SetWindowResize)
* Fixed: multiple controllers control player 1 on startup
* Fixed: Player 3/4 keypad not working
* Fixed: Player 3/4 axis weirdness (Simulate Analog forced on)
* Fixed: Bounty Bob works again (and works for 8-bits)
* Fixed: Unified Win32 release (XP and above works with one build)

Download: Kat5200 v0.7.1
Source: Here


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