
Romulus v0.033

EmuCR: RomulusRomulus v0.033 is released. Romulus is a tool. Romulus is a real alternative of your other Rom Managers.

Romulus v0.033 Changlog:
- ADDED In settings an option to apply registry fix to detect mapped drives at elevated applications as Romulus.
- ADDED To XML dats new param at "
".The new "" node contains filename of needed header for the profile. This param don´t take effect in other rom mamangers.
- ADDED Saving current header xml file when creating XML dats from Database and fixdats.
- FIXED Problems detecting inside Zip files with especial attributes.
- FIXED Problems with inverted CRCs and correct CRCs in same profile. Rebuilding correct CRC when inverted CRC exists in same place.
- FIXED Detecting ROMs scan or rebuild hidden files or folders. Thanks to Agus.
- FIXED Detecting folders inside compressed files when profile has single folders information. Thanks to Agus.
- FIXED Reading and creating baddumps when MD5 and/or SHA-1 checksums are filled with zeroes.
- FIXED Zero bytes creation baddumps when MD5 and/or SHA-1 checksums are filled with information.
- FIXED Problems displaying master games list end at Offlinelist profiles with filters.
- FIXED Open URLs in Richedits using OS default web browser when in settings is enabled the option to do it.
- FIXED Visuals non rectangle hints on Windows 8 and laters.
- FIXED Taskbar preview size problems for Windows 7 and laters.
- CHANGED Importation security code to prevent files information with final backslash when really has checksums converting it to files and not folders. Thanks to Agus.

Download: Romulus v0.033
Source: Here


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