
ZXMAK2 SVN r40437

ZXMAK2 SVN r40437 is compiled. ZXMAK2 is plugin based ZX Spectrum Virtual Machine. On the other side, this is flexible ZX Spectrum emulator. Project written in C#. Currently it works on Windows platform and using Managed DirectX.

Support the following ZX Spectrum clones:
- ZX Spectrum 48 (contended memory)
- ZX Spectrum 128 (contended memory)
- ZX Spectrum +3 (contended memory, but currently without FDD)
- Pentagon 128/512/1024
- ATM 4.50
- ATM 7.10
- PROFI 3.xx
- PROFI 5.xx
- SPRINTER (except spectrum config)
- QUORUM 256
- Leningrad 1
- BYTE 48K
- LEC 48/528
- Other (through custom configuration and plugins, for example LEC mod)

ZXMAK2 SVN Changelog:
Fix for DirectInput hanging on joystick dispose.
Issue was with disposal chain that starts with MainForm.Closing. If Joystick is disposed before this event, app exits correctly. But if it disposes later, this thread hangs and app stays in memory. Unbinding joystick from the main window had fixed the issue.

Download: ZXMAK2 SVN r40437
Source: Here


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