
Attract-Mode v2.3.0

EmuCR: Attract-ModeAttract-Mode v2.3.0 is released. Attract-Mode is a graphical front-end for command line emulators such as MAME, MESS and Nestopia. It hides the underlying operating system and is intended to be controlled with a joystick, gamepad or spin dial, making it ideal for use in arcade cabinet setups. Attract-Mode is open source and runs on Linux, Mac OS-X and Windows.

- Raspberry pi support. Thanks to nitrogen_widget for digging into this and helping to get it up and running!
- Multiple monitor support (Windows and Linux)
- Artwork scraper added to automatically download missing snapshots, marquees, wheel logos, flyers, boxart and even fanart images.
- Improved support for different image formats.
- Spanish translation (thanks Seru!)
- Added fade effect module for layouts (see reflect layout and the fanart background option in cools' layout)

Attract-Mode Changelog:
## Commits from v2.2.1 to v2.3.0

### Andrew Mickelson (47 commits)

* Bump to version 2.3
* Added --loglevel and --logfile commandline options
* [Windows] Switched Attract-Mode to a Windows GUI app
* Issue #381 - fixed crash when using Shader.Empty
* Joystick mapping must now be done manually from Config->Controls->Joystick Mappings
* Fix handling of conflicting input mappings in configuration mode
* [rpi] Removed assumption that rasberry pi always uses GLES
* Initial addition of Direct X Video Acceleration (Windows) and VAAPI (Linux) support
* Issue #372 - Added plugin to change display on joystick input
* [Attrac-Man] Fixed ghost and player UI movement around the "Ghost House"
* Update look of Attrac-Man layout
* Updated config so that Joystick slots can be mapped to specific named devices
* added "Insert Game" command
* Added UI functionality to edit shortcuts
* Only use CRC matching on rom 10 megs or less when scraping
* Initial support for shortcut navigation and multiple level menus
* Tweak to https://github.com/mickelson/attract/commit/7a7afa5ba58b8d7d6f9eb2e607fb476d1334be18 to fix last launch saving
* Added some missing bound checks when loading state
* [linux] Issue #343 - don't leave zombies when exit hotkey is used
* Disable further FE navigation when launch game sound is playing
* Issue #333 - don't replay launch sound if in the process of launching a game
* Added nomargin Text attribute to layout documentation
* Issue #329 - smarter redrawing of surfaces
* Fixed multimonitor bug (Fix provided by Mike Balfour)
* Update Attrac-Man layout to use artwork fades
* Enable animated gifs
* [windows] Fix "Fill Screen Mode" on Win10
* [linux] Issue #318 - fix compile on Linux with older SFML versions
* [linux] reduced delay when launching emulator in "Fullscreen Mode"
* [windows] Issue #296 - fix for white screen flicker on game launch and exit
* Fix extensions in default dolphin configuration
* [windows] Added NvOptimusEnablement and AmdPowerXpressRequestHighPerformance exports
* The "edit game" action will now edit the display settings when used on the displays menu
* Removed unnecessary video frame queuing, simplifying code
* Issue #304 - hyperspin overlayoffset fix (patch from joyrider3774)
* Changed sleep timer for smoother animation
* Added scraping of mame artwork from adb.arcadeitalia.net
* Fixed "scrape mamedb.com" and "scrape overview" option loading/saving
* Issue #297 - fix hidden displays causing wrong selection in "displays menu"
* Use mamedb.blu-ferret.co.uk for mamedb scraping
* Updated Italian translation (P. Ghezzo)
* Added screensaver options to run commands when starting or stopping "blank screen" mode
* Fixed key handling to return from screensaver. Fix build with NO_SWF=1 option
* Added blank screen (low power mode) setting to default screensaver.
* Added config option for confirmation prompt on exit

### Benjamin Hodgetts (1 commits)

* Save location in the playlist when launching a game

### CosmicDan (3 commits)

* "Hide Console" option should only be for Windows (whoops)
* Add $PROGDIR variable/expansion for substituting program directory in path leadings
* Add 'Hide Console' option to General settings

### Dat1AZNBanana (1 commits)

* Added more file types for Dolphin roms

### djrobx (1 commits)

* Fix bug where wheel doesn't scroll down or right if you move the trackball slowly . (#322)

### Ferdinand Thiessen (3 commits)

* Extlibs: Fixed nonvoid function without return value in gameswf. (#321)
* [linux] Added appdata file (#319)
* Makefile: Fix install target for mac and some linux distros

### Minjae Song (3 commits)

* Korean localisation

### Radek Dutkiewicz (4 commits)

* Fixed bluring of small fonts in X axis when textbox has a fractional width
* Fixed 1 pixel offset
* tp.cpp whitespace cleanup
* fe.Textbox improvements

### willems davy (2 commits)

* Try to correct positions for some themes with certain swf artwork
* Fix zorder + implement zorder related below tag

EmuCR: Attract-Mode

Download: Attract-Mode v2.3.0 x86
Download: Attract-Mode v2.3.0 x86
Source: Here


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