
No$gba v2.9a

EmuCR: NO$GBANo$gba v2.9a is released. NO$GBA pronounced as No Cash GBA is a Nintendo DS / DS Lite and GameBoy Advance emulator for Windows XP, Vindows VISTA and MS-DOS. NO$GBA options include emulating all known save types as well as and multiple cartridges reading. NoGBA supports multiplayer and is able to load multiple NDS ROM files for linking games. Multiplayer for GBA Games is also supported.

No$gba v2.9a Changelog:
- emu/dsi/clk: supports ARM9 134MHz mode (but waitstates are too fast for now)
- bios/help: swi waitbyloop timings for arm7/arm9 rom/cache nds/dsi 67mhz/134mhz
- cart/emu: supports ds cart reset tricks (via toggling scfg_mc_msb or exmemcnt)
- dsi/emu/help: scfg_clk.bit7 is read-only on arm9 (value mirrored from arm7)
- dsi/help: added notes on 'flipnote lenny (or whatever it is called)' exploit
- dsi/help: solved unknown last bytes in boot info block (SHA1 on 60h-byte area)
- dsi/mmc-image: alternately accepts no$gba-footer at emmc offset FF800h
- nds/dsi/cart/help: romctrl notes on (in-)official ways to reset cartridges
- nds/dsi/cart/help: romctrl notes on wrong and slow 1t-rom timings cart header
- dsi/debug: reformatted scfg7/scfg9 iomap windows, with new scfg details
- dsi/teak/help: added offical names for bits in ar/arp/stt/mod (from .dll)
- dsi/teak/help: many new stt/mod/ar/arp/cfgi/a0e/vtr details (thanks wwylele)

Download: No$gba v2.9a Windows debug version
Download: No$gba v2.9a Windows gaming version
Download: No$gba v2.9a DOS gaming version
Source: Here


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