
Ryujinx Git (2018/07/19)

EmuCR: RyujinxRyujinx Git (2018/07/19) is complied. Ryujinx is a Experimental Switch emulator written in C#. Don't expect much from this. Some homebrew apps works, and Tetris shows the intro logos (sometimes) but that's about it for now. Contributions are always welcome.

Ryujinx Git changelog:
* Implement Geometry shaders (#280)
* AOpCodeTable: Speed up instruction decoding (#284)
* Support deswizzle of sparse tiled textures and some frame buffer fixes (#275)
* Implement SvcWaitForAddress 0x34 (#289)
* Update IGeneralService.cs
* Implement GetCurrentIpAddress() and stub GetCurrentNetworkProfile() (#271)
* Implement Ssubw_V and Usubw_V instructions. (#287)
* Implement BF10GF11RF11 TextureFormat (#246)
* Implement Z24S8 TextureFormat (#247)
* Implement IFileSystem:CleanDirectoryRecursively (#283)

Download: Ryujinx Git (2018/07/19)


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