
Emu Loader v8.6.5

EmuLoaderEmu Loader v8.6.5 is released. Emu Loader was created to manage an arcade games emulator called M.A.M.E. With this frontend, you can change practically any option that is available in the emulator, like the screen resolution, sound quality, game options, etc. There are lots of extra features that makes your life much more easier, like the snapshots viewer where all captured images from M.A.M.E. games can be viewed when selecting games.

Emu Loader Changelog:
- "Machines List Filter" implementation is complete
*if you hide the parent set, all clone will hide as well
*forgot to link the code for checkbox "Show Parent Sets Only" in "Customize Machines List" screen
*window width increases if screen width is 1280 pixels or higher so all columns are visible without showing a horizontal scrollbar
*proper colors in night mode
- Machines list wrong font colors in "MAME Machines Filter Panel"
- Icon alpha blending bug in "Machine Types And Systems Filters" screen when items are unchecked (tool bar button filter)

- Renamed "MachinesList_SidePanel" section to "MAMEMachinesFilterPanel", for consistency
- Renamed "Game Font Settings" to "Customize Game Fonts" in games popup menu and main menu "Games List"

- Colors array vars of games selection bar are no more; colors are taken from ColorBoxes in Preferences screen

- Games list selection bar colors customization (Preferences screen)
*customize background color, frame color and font color
*there are two bar settings for MAME and arcade, one for available games (default blue color) and one for games with missing ROMs/CHDs (default red color)
*re-added "Gradient Bar" setting
*two separate sets, one for light mode in "Games List" page and another for the night mode in "Night Mode" page
*light mode settings are saved in "EmuLoader.ini"
*night mode settings are saved in "nightmode.ini"
*affected features so far: main games list, MAME Machines Filter Panel, "Customize Game Fonts" screen, "Customize Thumbnails" screen
NOTE: frame cannot be removed but it can be masked with "alpha blending" and frame colors like black or white
- Night mode custom user colors support in a couple more screens (no more forced blue frames)
- New "Slot Machines" catver.ini filter added to "Arcade Miscellaneous Filters" screen

Download: EmuLoader v8.6.5
Source: Here


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