
DS4Windows v1.7.3

EmuCR: DS4WindowsDS4Windows v1.7.3 is released. DS4Windows is a portable program that allows you to get the best experience while using a DualShock 4 on your PC. By emulating a Xbox 360 controller, many more games are accessible.

DS4Windows Requirements
* Microsoft .NET 4.5 or higher (needed to unzip the driver and for macros to work
* DS4 Driver (Downloaded & Installed with
* Microsoft 360 Driver (link inside DS4Windows, already installed on Windows 7 SP1 and higher or if you've used a 360 controller
* Sony DualShock 4 (This should be
* Micro USB
* (Optional)Bluetooth 2.1+, via adapter or built in pc (My recommendation) (Toshiba's bluetooth & Bluetooth adapters using CSR currently does not

DS4Windows changelog:
Disabled force feedback support for now
Updated code to use newer stable ViGEm.NET client library
Added runtime option for toggling touchpad movement. No longer edit profile setting and store old setting temporarily
Now skip updater execution if new updater version could not be downloaded
Added null check for Enable_Controls method
Resolved crashing and stability issues with x86 build caused by ViGEm.NET client library

Download: DS4Windows v1.7.3 x86
Download: DS4Windows v1.7.3 x64


  1. um . . . disabled force feedback? such a basic thing. ok then time to disable auto updates for a bit and reinstall 1.7.2


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