
No$gba v2.9e

EmuCR: NO$GBANo$gba v2.9e is released. NO$GBA pronounced as No Cash GBA is a Nintendo DS / DS Lite and GameBoy Advance emulator for Windows XP, Vindows VISTA and MS-DOS. NO$GBA options include emulating all known save types as well as and multiple cartridges reading. NoGBA supports multiplayer and is able to load multiple NDS ROM files for linking games. Multiplayer for GBA Games is also supported.

No$gba v2.9e Changelog:
- wifiboot uploader: supports uploading 3ds .firm files from no$gba to 3ds
- wifiboot uploader: new bootinfo block (icon/title and rtc/time)
- wifiboot/help: added DS Wifi Dslink/Wifiboot Protocol chapter
- 3ds/help: added notes on SD/MMC Signals and 3DS Hardmodding
- 3ds/help: 3ds NWM wifi driver info (pool addresses and type1/4/5 variants)
- 3ds/help: specs for CID/OTP/NCSD/FIRM sectors for 3ds-#.mmc and new3ds-#.mmc
- setup: added 3ds/new3ds as nds mode variants (for debug view, not emulation)
- 3ds/aes: supports keyinit as by bootrom per otp (for filesys viewer)
- 3ds/emmc: loaded from 3DS-1.mmc or New3DS-1.mmc (for filesys viewer only yet)
- 3ds/bios: loaded from BIOS3DS.ROM (ARM9+ARM11) or BIOS3DS9.ROM+BIOS3DS11.ROM
- 3ds/help: added file/filesys info and arm11 mpcore/irq register specs
- wifi/help: added several new details (mostly from newly dumped AR6014 rom)
- a22i: supports abbrev ALU Rd,Rm,RotateShift (using Rd for both Rd and Rn)
- wifi/help: added wifi-board pinouts from fccid, and 4kbyte-wifi-flash-specs
- 3ds/crypt: supports sha256, sha224, aes-cbc, new keyscrambler (keyx/y)
- filesys viewer: show/decrypt 3ds stuff (partitions and firm/sav blocks)
- filesys viewer: faster directory loading (abort on first unused 00h entry)

Download: No$gba v2.9e Windows debug version
Download: No$gba v2.9e Windows gaming version
Download: No$gba v2.9e DOS gaming version
Source: Here


  1. Waiting for 3DS games can be played on this emulator after Citra!


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