
VirtualBox v6.0.18

EmuCR: VirtualBoxVirtualBox v6.0.18 is released. VirtualBox is a general-purpose full virtualizer for x86/x64 hardware. Targeted at server, desktop and embedded use, it is now the only professional-quality virtualization solution that is also Open Source Software.

VirtualBox v6.0.18 Changelog:
GUI: Update medium location shown im VM details when the Virtual Media Manager was used to move it
Virtualization core: Ignore writes to MSR_IA32_TSX_CTRL to avoid Windows 10 VM crashes on very new Intel CPUs (bug #19169)
DVD: Fix possible crash when ejecting the medium
USB: Fix isochronous transfers to the VM for xHCI
Serial: Avoid hangs due to inconsistent handshake signals when the config keeps it is disconnected
Serial: Improve host serial port passthrough handling on Windows host
VBoxManage: fixed creating a new VM using the default settings parameter (bug #19310)
macOS host: Use hardened runtime and request the needed entitlements, meeting latest notarization rules which also required moving VirtualBoxVM executable
macOS host: Fix a possible crash when accessing VM related memory from the kernel
macOS host: Update osxfuse to v3.10.4
Linux guest: Support Linux 5.5 (bug #19145)
Linux guest: Shared folder fix for loopback mounting of images

Download: VirtualBox v6.0.18
Source: Here


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