
ClrMamePro Nightly Build (2020/04/21)

EmuCR:ClrMameProClrMamePro Nightly Build (2020/04/21) is released. ClrMamePro is a so-called ROM-manager. With every new release of MAME a lot has been changed. New gamesets have been added, some have been removed, etc.

ClrMamePro changelog:
fixed: do not detect wrong sysdefpath issues when rom (or chd) is in the correct path while the chd (or rom) is in the wrong
fixed: failed detects of wrong named chds in chd-only sets (annoying 'move to backup, readded via fixmissing') (needed for upcoming saturn.xml updates)
fixed: datfile version gets cleaned out in profiler when creating or updating a datfile/profile
fixed: Mac Wine/Wineskin-Winery crash due to AfxBeginThread calls
fixed: Linux Wine crash when using dats with regions
added: cmpro.ini option Packer_Zip_CompressionLevel to set the zip compression level (default is 9)
added: dir2dat option to keep chds as roms (and not as disks)

Download: ClrMamePro Nightly Build (2020/04/21)
Source: Here


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