
XEMU Git (2020/04/28)

EmuCR:Xbox EmulatorsXEMU Git (2020/04/28) is complied. xemu is an open-source, cross-platform application that emulates the hardware of the original Xbox game console, allowing users to play their Xbox games on Windows, macOS, and Linux systems. This project is focused on making significant forward progress in terms of features, performance, stability, and user experience in Xbox emulation. This project is an active fork of the XQEMU project, which is based on the very popular and highly actively maintained QEMU full system emulator project.

XQEMU Git Changelog
* ci: Check DLLs against /mingw64/bin instead of C:\Windows
* ui: Add missing file copyright headers
* ui: Fix typo
* ui: Auto resize windows
* ui: Add more privacy information about reports
* build: Add OpenSSL to PKG_CONFIG_PATH for macOS
* ui: Add windows header to xemu-os-utils-windows
* ui: Fix xemu-os-utils-windows.o filename
* ui: Add report submission error reporting
* xemu-xbe.c: Fixup

Download: XEMU (2020/04/28)
Source: Here


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