
No$gba v3.05

EmuCR: NO$GBANo$gba v3.05 is released. NO$GBA pronounced as No Cash GBA is a Nintendo DS / DS Lite and GameBoy Advance emulator for Windows XP, Vindows VISTA and MS-DOS. NO$GBA options include emulating all known save types as well as and multiple cartridges reading. NoGBA supports multiplayer and is able to load multiple NDS ROM files for linking games. Multiplayer for GBA Games is also supported.

No$gba v3.05 Changelog:
- wifiboot: allows to upload GBA/NDS/DSi files to 3DS (requires wifiboot v2.8)
- nds/cart/debug: shows rom/nand command names in tty debug message log window
- nds/cart/help: added nand Face Training undoc commands and reserved area
- nds/cart/help: added undoc rom cartridge commands
- nds/cart/help: added nand cartridge specs (thanks Arisotura)
- 3ds/cart/help: added info on RC4 and SNOW 2.0 cartridge encryption
- gba/help: notes on port 4000800h bit0/bit3 (thanks endrift/shinyquagsire23)
- wifi/help: various atheros sdio wifi notes/details (thanks shinyquagsire23)
- dsi/help: SIGSTATE detect delay and SDCLK auto pause (thanks profi200)
- dsi/help: more TWLCFGn.dat entries (eula flag/ver, num titles)
- 3ds/help: described touchscreen scaling for nds/dsi mode (see lgyfb chapter)
- 3ds/help: more realistic info for HWCAL and config file contents
- 3ds/help: more realistic info for MCU RTC real time clock
- 3ds/help: marked some new3ds-only bits and registers (ie. non-old3ds)
- 3ds/help: added symbolic names for PDC frame buffer setup registers
- 3ds/help: lcd register specs (parallax, backlight, clock_dis, display_en)
- 3ds/help: created nearly complete component list for old 3ds
- 3ds/help: pinouts for 3ds connectors, 3ds testpoints, and some more 3ds chips
- help engine: fixed .htm filenames for chapter names with square brackets
- help engine: omits linebreaks after http hyperlinks in html PRE sections
- vram viewer: supports negative mouse coords (for multiple monitors, thanx tim)
- windows/gui: vkcode_to_doskeycode catches VK_ESCAPE when SHIFT/CAPS active

Download: No$gba v3.05 Windows debug version
Download: No$gba v3.05 Windows gaming version
Download: No$gba v3.05 DOS gaming version
Source: Here


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