
Emusak UI v2.1.1

Emusak UI v2.1.1 is released. Emusak-ui is a graphical mod for Emusak. This is a tool which allows you to download saves and shaders for Nintendo Switch emulators using a compatible Emusak backend supported by both Linux and Windows.

Emusak UI v2.1.1 changelog:
Add a feature to completely delete shader cache, cpu cache and mods for a game to clean your system if you don't plan to play this game anymore. This action cannot be recovered but emusak does not delete save file. Note the game will come back if you didn't removed it from your game library in the emulator
UI refinement : there is now tooltip on game library to show full name when it's truncated, same on gamebanana section
Gamebanana section is now way better, UI has been reworked and covers should not be truncated anymore
Better error handling and performances tweaks on gamebanana scraping
There is now a loader while fetching data from gamebanana
Prevent flash of unstyled content on game detail causing layout to shift when loading compatibility data on ryujinx github
Updated turkish translations

Download: Emusak UI v2.1.1


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