
NanoBoyAdvance v1.5

EmuCR NanoBoyAdvanceNanoBoyAdvance v1.5 is released. NanoboyAdvance is a Nintendo Game Boy Advance (TM) emulator written in C++17. The goal is to create a minimal, accurate and reasonably efficient Game Boy Advance emulator in modern C++. The emulator implements the core hardware completely and with high accuracy. Almost all games can be emulated without any known issues, even the 'Classic NES' titles which abuse a variety of edge-cases and undefined behaviour.

nanoboyadvance Features:
* very accurate GBA emulation
* RTC emulation
* high quality audio rendering
* game controller support
* basic GLSL shader support
* lightweight: minimal, configurable SDL2 frontend

nanoboyadvance v1.5 changelog:
ARM: force CPSR/SPSR bit 4 to one (fixes Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge)
Bus: Game Pak access sometimes incurs a one-cycle penalty when prefetch is active
Bus: HALT incurs a two-cycle penalty
DMA: make access pattern (more) accurate for ROM to ROM and other weird DMAs.
DMA: move the second internal cycle at the end of the transfer
DMA: handle more changes to the control register during a transfer
IRQ: rework interrupt delay emulation (once again)
Timer: writing to the control register takes one cycle to apply
PPU: apply horizontal sprite mosaic as a post-process
APU: model FIFO as a buffer of seven (not eight) 32-bit words (thanks Gericom) (fixes #101)
APU: high bits of SOUND2CNT_L should return zero
Input: make KEYINPUT updates atomic to avoid incorrect game resets (from the Key IRQ)
UI: maintain a list of recently opened files for quick loading
UI: allow loading ROMs via process arguments
UI: add shortcuts for fullscreen and window scale
UI: implement a workaround for the broken menu bar during fullscreen on Windows
UI: hide the FPS counter by default and add an option to unhide it
OpenGL: fix a black screen issue on some Intel integrated GPUs
macOS: build NanoBoyAdvance as an App Bundle (thanks nadiaholmquist)

Download: NanoBoyAdvance v1.5 x64
Source: Here


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