
WinVICE r42741

EmuCR: SDLVICE WinVICE r42741 is released. WinVICE is a program that executes programs intended for the old 8-bit computers. The current version emulates the C64, the C128, the VIC20, all the PET models (except the SuperPET 9000, which is out of line anyway), the PLUS4 and the CBM-II (aka C610).

WinVICE Changelog: r42741 | compyx | 2022-12-14 20:04:49 +0000 (Wed, 14 Dec 2022) | 6 lines
Buildsystem: Add gtk3 hotkey files in data/common to EXTRA_DIST
If the ui isn't Gtk3 we add the gtk3 hotkey files to EXTRA_DIST so they'll
always be included in the dist tarball.
r42740 | compyx | 2022-12-14 18:43:41 +0000 (Wed, 14 Dec 2022) | 3 lines
Stupid c128cart.h doesn't live in c128/cart/ with c128cart.c
r42739 | compyx | 2022-12-14 17:57:58 +0000 (Wed, 14 Dec 2022) | 3 lines
Buildsystem: Add c128cart.h to libc128cartsystem sources
r42730 | compyx | 2022-12-12 19:19:29 +0000 (Mon, 12 Dec 2022) | 3 lines
Github Actions: Deb: fix Installed-Size: placeholder in control file
r42729 | blackystardust | 2022-12-12 14:42:45 +0000 (Mon, 12 Dec 2022) | 1 line
Set dma bank upon mmu reset.

Download: GTK3VICE r42741
Download: SDL2VICE r42741
Source: Here


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