
ES-DE v2.1.1

EmuCR: ES-DEEmulationStation Desktop Edition (ES-DE) v2.1.1 is released. EmulationStation Desktop Edition (ES-DE) is a frontend application for browsing and launching games from your multi-platform game collection. It comes preconfigured for use with RetroArch and a number of other emulators. It's also fully customizable so you can easily expand it to launch any emulators or applications that are not included in the bundled configuration. ES-DE is free and open source and will remain so forever. It's also true multi-platform and runs on numerous operating systems such as Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Manjaro, Fedora, FreeBSD, macOS and Windows.

ES-DE Changelog:
Detailed list of changes
Added support for a lot more emoji characters by bundling the Google Noto Emoji font
Changed the media viewer to using linear interpolation scaling for the miximages
(Linux) Added ~/.local/share/applications/ as an additional search path for AppImages and manually downloaded emulators
Bug fixes
The crash prevention for buggy controller drivers was a bit too aggressive and stopped some arcade controller boards from working

Download: ES-DE v2.1.1
Source: Here


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