
WinVICE r44305

EmuCR: SDLVICE WinVICE r44305 is released. WinVICE is a program that executes programs intended for the old 8-bit computers. The current version emulates the C64, the C128, the VIC20, all the PET models (except the SuperPET 9000, which is out of line anyway), the PLUS4 and the CBM-II (aka C610).

WinVICE Changelog:
r44301 | gpz | 2023-07-22 17:13:33 +0000 (Sat, 22 Jul 2023) | 1 line
some more refactoring. also setup a new alarm when the alarm function is entered, but a motor-stop is still scheduled. This fixes #1603.
r44300 | compyx | 2023-07-22 10:13:45 +0000 (Sat, 22 Jul 2023) | 6 lines
SDL: Implement public UI action handlers for activating menu item and toggling resource
Add `sdl_ui_activate_item_action()` and `sdl_ui_toggle_resource_action()` as
reusable action handlers for common operations. This results in the removal of
51 custom action handlers.
r44299 | compyx | 2023-07-22 09:05:10 +0000 (Sat, 22 Jul 2023) | 8 lines
UI actions: make action handlers accept `ui_action_map_t*` as their argument
Instead of passing the `data` member of the action map, we pass the map itself,
leading to simpler code and more flexible ways of writing action handlers.
Quite a few action handlers, especially in SDL, are simple "activate menu item"
or "toggle resource" operations, so these can probably be generalized into
publicly available action handlers.
r44296 | gpz | 2023-07-21 23:44:03 +0000 (Fri, 21 Jul 2023) | 1 line
some tiny refactoring, added some comments. still plenty weird behaviour that needs fixing.
r44295 | compyx | 2023-07-21 05:02:49 +0000 (Fri, 21 Jul 2023) | 2 lines
SDL: xvic: implement action handlers for attach-image-at-$2000/$4000/$6000/$A000/$B000

Download: GTK3VICE r44305
Download: SDL2VICE r44305
Source: Here


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