
VisualBoyAdvance-M SVN r865

VisualBoyAdvance VisualBoyAdvance-M SVN r865 is released. VisualBoyAdvance-M(VBA-M) is a [Super] Game Boy [Color / Advance] emulator for Windows, Linux & Mac. Here you can get information about the latest development build of the Windows version and download it while you're at it.

VisualBoyAdvance-M SVN r865 changelog:
- Many games show emulation warnings in the log window (unaligned read, bad read/write address)
- Test: Metroid Fusion, Advance Wars 2
- Gfx.cpp/h optimization
- Test: Final Fantasy 4 airship intro
- Improve automatic 64k/128k flash save detection
- Pokemon Emerald hangs with white screen when no save state exists and wrong flash size is selected
- Remove 16 bit hack for filters
- Not compatible to software motion blur (display corruption)
- Add selection for compressed archives with more than one ROM in them
- Fix LCD colouring
- Game Bugs:
- Drymouth - screen flashes black after certain scanline
- World Reborn - 2 graphics bugs

Less important:
- Add GBA cheat editing support (GB already has)
- Look at Cheats.cpp (Core) and GBACheats.cpp (GUI)
- Add documentation for VBA-M (configuration guide)
- Improve AVI recording (produces asynchronous files)
- Enable audio stream compression for AVI files
- Add stereo upmixing support to OpenAL
- Verify BIOS files by checksum instead by file extension
- Merge HQ2x/LQ2x C code into code for HQ3x/4x
- Apply pixel filter to sprites and BG seperately for better image quality

- Apply HQ3x/4x optimizations from C version to ASM version
- Apply pixel filter only to changed parts of the image
- Make even more use of multi-core CPUs
- Make use of 64 bit CPUs
- Have a look at the liboil optimization library

Download:VisualBoyAdvance-M SVN r865


  1. You Have the Linux Version, Please ?
    I wanna see if the newer version have the "Cheats GUI" :=) Its just for testing, actually is very Complete, Few things to add in the GUI to be the BEST emulator under linux with GUI :=)


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