
Guru's ROM Dump News

the author said:
More stuff from Japan just arrived today!
Otenami Haiken (G-Net card)
Shanghai Sangokuhai Tougi (G-Net card)

Plus some other items...
Hana Jingi PCB (to decap/trojan CPU internal ROM)
Mahjong Cafe Doll CPU (to decap/trojan internal ROM)
Legend of Hero Tonma 8751 MCU and PAL
Pound for Pound M85 PALs and BPROMs
Great Sluggers '94 C369 KEYCUS

Thanks to a member of Team Japump for helping to locate the G-Net cards and sending the other chips for decapping. Also thanks to Tokrot for buying my Taito G-Net Super Puzzle Bobble card so that we actually had enough money to buy the two G-Net items.

Also, here's a pic of the last Japanese haul...
I forgot to mention a couple of items in the news below. In this lot were also two Konami boards that were not working that we obtained for free, Cows Boys of Moo Mesa and Mystic Warriors. It turns out that Mystic Warriors is the JAA version which is not dumped so we have a nice bonus!
The last item I want to mention is at the very top left. It's a NAOMI Virtua Golf panel to fit my Sega Astro City cab. There's an extra I/O board under the panel containing a ROM that is currently not dumped. That should help some way towards getting it booting in MAME.


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