
PS2Launcher Build 458

PS2Launcher Build 458 is released.PS2Launcher is a tool for PCSX2 settings managment.

Basic actions:
Entries creation:
Just run PCSX2 and set it up for your favorite game. After that run PS2 launcher and create a new entry for your game. All current PCSX2 settings will be copied for that entry and saved in the DB. Pressing START will restore current settings from selected profile and run PCSX2.

Profile editing:
Choose profile and press "Edit". You can change profile name and replace profile settings with current PCSX2 settings. Uncheck "Replace profile config. by current PCSX2 configuration" if you do not want to change profile configuration.

Extract all files into your PCSX2 root dir (where is PCSX2.exe located)

PS2Launcher Build 458 changelog:
- Build 458 Saving proportions form the horizontal
- Build 458 added in the table spidhaki
- Build 458 Fixed bugs and minor nodochety
- Build 413 is started testing online database
- Build 395 Minor additions and corrections.
- Build 395 Running Game from the menu in the tray.
- Build 395 Replaced Y, N on the checkbox.
- Build 351 Change display settings GSdx.
- Build 351 Forbidden launch a second copy of the program
- Build Support for 331 languages - Kein
- Build 331 Fixed minor bugs
- Build 320 Modified feature selection PCSX2 File - vad1990
- Build 320 does not function to seek to prevent the restarting
- Build 320 Use the keys at startup
- Build 320 Fixed minor bugs
- Build 277 All settings moved to a folder cfgBase (automatically)
- Build 277 Removed vsplyvanie emulator wee start the game
- Build 208 Collapsing in the system tray
- Close PCSX2 Build 167 keys Ctrl + Alt + U
- Build 167 expert editing - Kein
- Build 167 Closure after launch - Ensight
- Build 65 function to start the emulator by pressing 'Start' "- nisanis5
1. Editing the registry to the "Expert edit" in the records created by previous (Build 65) version will not display correctly, you must either create new records or update by editing!
2. Unforgettable, with a change of name of the plugin to update the settings. Name the plug can be changed in the peer editing in the file pcsx2.ini.
1. And yet human ХЗ plan.
P.S. E-mail your suggestions for improvement.

Download:PS2Launcher Build 458


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