
DeSmuME 0.9.2 Plus Gocha r2271

EmuCR:DeSmuMEDeSmuME 0.9.2 Plus Gocha r2271 is released.DeSmuME 0.9.2 Plus Gocha is a UNOFFICIAL DeSmuME ReRecording Build.DeSmuME ReRecording is the re-recording branch of DeSmuME 0.9.2.This is the development project for this branch of DeSmuME. Its primary function is to expand features related to the creation of Tool-Asssisted movies.

These binaries are built from the official svn.
Hopefully it has the same sync with desmume-rr-0.9.2 (but I'm not sure).
At least, they can play the OoE TAS WIP in TASvideos forum correctly.

It seems that the new savedata system (or something like that) broke the sync-compatibility.
"0.9.2plus-gocha" version is made from svn updates which doesn't break compatibility (that's just a guess though).
If it has different timings from rr-0.9.2 after all, don't curse me, please.

Download: desmume-0.9.2plus-gocha-r2271
Download: desmume-0.9.2plus-gocha-r2271-debug


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