
MAME 0.133

MAMEMAME 0.133 is released. MAME stands for Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator. When used in conjunction with images of the original arcade game's ROM and disk data, MAME attempts to reproduce that game as faithfully as possible on a more modern general-purpose computer. MAME can currently emulate several thousand different classic arcade video games from the late 1970s through the modern era.

what's news in MAME 0.133:
MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 03191: [Crash/Freeze] armchmp2: Allowing Demo to run triggersTest Mode (hap)
- 02916: [Crash/Freeze] srmvs: [debug] Assertion (Aaron Giles)
- 03300: [Crash/Freeze] tmmjprd, tmpdoki: [debug] Crash after OK (Aaron Giles)
- 03310: [Misc.] cobram3, cobra: Parent/clone relationship missing (Aaron Giles)
- 03311: [Misc.] p911uc, p911j: chd a00c02 is used in both clones but they use different hashes (Angelo Salese)

Source Changes
Added GAME_IMPERFECT_SOUND flag to taitogn.c games since we don't emulate the sound CPU. [Fabio Priuli]

CDP1802: [Curt Coder]
- refactored the Q and DMA callbacks to use devcb
- fixed state code output and load mode

Added FP registers to PPC debugger interface. Fixed bugs in the x64 back-end that prevented proper 3D rendering for Model 3 games. [Aaron Giles]

ARM7 improvements: [R. Belmont]
- Added ARMv5+ CLZ instruction.
- Added ARMv5TE instructions: QADD, QDADD, QSUB, QDSUB, SMLAxy, SMLALxy, SMULxy, SMULWy, and SMLAWy
- Fixed disassembly of CLZ

Improved DIP switches in toypop. [kanikani]

Audited and added GAME_SUPPORTS_SAVE flag to all games in the mappy.c driver (superpac, pacnpal, grobda, phozon, mappy, todruaga, digdug2, motos and clones of each) [MooglyGuy]

Naomi update [Deunan Knute, R. Belmont]
- Implemented cartridge protection chip mechanism
- Added protection data for doa2 and doa2m
- Added real dumped cartridge X76F100 data for doa2/doa2m

Several MESS-specific snes fixes for rendering. [Angelo Salese]

Merit Multi-Poker improvements: [Roberto Fresca]
* Full Inputs.
* DIP Switches.
* Simulated spark-watchdog circuitery.
* Demuxed custom port.
* NVRAM support.
* CPU clock derived from #defined crystal.
* 8000-8007 Output ports.
* Coin related counters.
* Sound components and trigger found at 8000-8003, bit2.
* Full lamps support.
* PCBs layouts & technical notes.
The 4 games are fully playable. Sound seems to be discrete, so the circuitry needs to be traced. Colors are still wrong.

Added documentation regarding different Cobra Command versions. [Ruben Panossian]

Fixed card reset in Taito g-net games. [Joerg Hartenberger]

Fixed gun and crosshair positioning in TimeCrisis and Bubble Trouble. [hap]

Decoded some ram based tiles in jclub2. [David Haywood]

Fixed interrupts in the cischeat driver, fixing Scud Hammer and Arm Champs II. [hap]

New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status
Multi-Poker [Roberto Fresca]

New clones added
Super Free Kick (set 2) [Klaus Sommers]

Download:MAME 0.133 Official Binaries
Download:MAME 0.133 Official Binaries (I686 optimized)
Download:MAME 0.133 Official Binaries x64
Download:MAME 0.133 sources


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