
EDecrypt v1.3

EmuCR:EDecrypt EDecrypt v1.3 is released.EDecrypt is a simple tool to decrypt / patch file and prx EBOOT.bin. This release adds to the program, the keys of the recent firmware 6.10, a logging system to file and decrypt a faster method that can process multiple files at once.

Once we started the program in the folder where the files will only be decrypted or patched to the latest CF M33.

The developer said:

NFO Wrote:
EDecrypt v1.3

Based on PSARDumper's sources.
Recompiled and optimized by mc707.

How to use
1. Copy EDecrypt folder to ms0:/PSP/GAME
2. Copy encrypted file(s) to ms0:/enc/
3. Execute EDecrypt v1.3 on PSP
4. Press X to decrypt file(s) or [] to decrypt and patch file(s) for m33

Version history
- added many keys
- added 6.10 key
- patching routine
- logging to file ms0:/enc/done/log.txt
- multiple files processing
-added keys for 0xC0CB167C tag
-improved functionality
-added 6.0 FW keys

Todo list
1. Reorganizing to get rid pspdecrypt.prx
2. Encrypting routine
3. Possible: patching Custom Firmware checking
4. Expanding non-encrypted files

Thanks to
Dark_AleX, Team Noobz, Team C+D, M33 Team, Red Bull PSP team, GEN team, jas0nuk, Yoshihiro,
ErikPshat, and one man who deserved it.

Greetz to
REVENGE Crew, all their ex-members and all russian coders.

Download: EDecrypt v1.3


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