
FreeDO v2.1 (English Version)

FreeDO v2.1 is released. FreeDO is probably the only advanced emulator for the legendary 3DO. The 3DO, the first 32bit CD-ROM based console had some of the best games of it's time but it now belongs to the pantheon of the consoles that though good never made it to the top(Atari Jaguar is one of them). Translated version of FreeDO in English for those who do not read Russian or French !

FreeDO v2.1 Changelog:
1) Reinitialize a PBUS devices when you switch to full screen mode (not
sletali plugins using diskriptor window)
2) Cleaning of extra WM_PAINT message queuing (gives rose speed-???
often messages come twice???)
3) Change multithreading (CEL is reciprocally incorporated with the main
thread, Post the output emulation screen and VDLP completely in a
separate thread)
4) added the ability to hide menu in full screen mode (changed hot keys)
5) Removed the automatic capture mouse (added hotkey)
6) reduced the size of the safeguarding and added the ability to specify
the disk associated with saving
7) accelerated rasterisation kvadrotekstur
8) small structural optimization ARM core
9) matrix math redeveloped on fpu
10) NVRAM file initialization in the absence of
11) Added skipping primary pixels in textures (NFS statistics racing)
12) clipping polygons offscreen rendering (to process must be faster in
some games)
13) added changed position texture (fonts in Monster Manor)
14) clipping nelicevyh facets to process draw (must be faster in some
15) caching disk and upreennoe read
16) corrections in hardware-based timers (Lost Iden now works with normal
speed and some games visnuvfect the speed and some games visnuvn Combo
visnuve in the process (Monster Manor) should work fine)
17) tamery otvacirc;zany from the processor speed (acceleration/deceleration
processor now does not affect the speed of the game process)
18) vertical synchronization option added (recommended turn stunts)
19) to increase domestic permission set (option)
20) compression FlashROM
21) and small corrections and new bugs.

Download: FreeDO v2.1 (English Version)


  1. Much better version then the last.
    Still some audio studdering and games hic-up/studder.

  2. turn off expand resolution and Vsync in video options, and everything will run full speed with no audio hic-ups!

    Also, there is no need for controller set up, the 360 controller just works with it.


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